Wednesday 22 September 2010

QR Treasure hunt ppt TMSLF2010

This is an overview of the workshop I led at TM SLF

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Tuesday 14 September 2010


A great new feature had been added to BrainPOP UK: The FYI.

This will provide additional information for each subject and will act as an extension to Tim And Moby's movies.  To help launch this new feature BrainPOP asked for help with creating a movie showing FYI being said in as many different and creative ways as possible.

At the same time, I had been working with a group of p6/7 pupils on a digital movie making project.  When the children heard about the BrainPOP request they decided that that would be a great focus for part of the project.  They worked extremely well together to plan the movies and completed all three in just two afternoons.  When they discovered their contributions would be included they were very excited.  They have also won a six month BrainPOP UK subscription for the school.

Below is the final BrainPOP movie, we hope you enjoy watching!