Sunday 7 February 2010

maintaining focus

The editing didn't flow as we had hoped today but we did make a start on our wiki.  We also discussed our responsibilities as individuals within the group.  This gave everyone a clear idea of what we each need to do to complete the task successfully.  This was possibly the most productive thing we accomplished today and should not be taken lightly.

For some reason it seemed very difficult to focus today, perhaps it has something to do with pending assignment results?  Whether or not this is the case it provides an interesting question for us as future teachers; how do we focus children when there are other factors affecting them?  And if we do acknowledge outside influences how often should this happen?

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs by savethedave.I think there are are some factors that cannot be ignored, usually a rare occurrence but they can make it impossible for children to focus.  Then there are the factors that affect children on a daily basis and we need to carry on with school life.  In this case the normality of routine is what can help children to focus and function.  This is a difficult debate and can be hard to understand for me personally as a student teacher.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you challenging what you read. You make some good points regarding the use of technology with the under 3s.
    There are many factors that can affect children's behaviour, work etc... These factors are more common than you think - the death of a pet, divorce, poor diet to name just a very few.
