Monday 1 February 2010

Wallwisher, embedding and thank you

Our task today was to use a collaborative tool creatively. As a pre-activity I set up the above wall and asked others in the elective group to contribute. I then asked the world of twitter to add a post. My aim was to gather a sample of what is already happening in classrooms in order to expand on ideas that I have. This is where the collaborative aspect really kicks in.

I often see something new and have lots of ideas for implementation then I get to a school to find it is not so easy.  Sometimes this can be due to connection issues and other times my ideas are just not feasible in the way I imagined.  Yet the connections that I have made with teachers, around the world, on the internet and especially twitter, provide me with more and more inspiration every day.  If I follow you on Twitter this is my opportunity to say thank you for sharing and thank you for inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for opening up to the wider community to collate their views ;o).
